Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Vintage Wedding Dresses: Unique Dress For The Bride

The amount of new vintage stores opening in New York City is an indicator that  not only vintage clothing but vintage wedding dresses are becoming more and more popular. People are looking for authentic look and feel when it comes to their wardrobe collection. No one wants to see the shirt they just bought worn by a random by passer, which often is the case when you shop at the department stores.

A fashion savvy bride, usually has a clear idea in her mind about the wedding dress she wants wear on her big day. She wants to look polished and classy, and the dress needs to reflect her personality. These are only few common expectations, but for those with precise demands, a vintage wedding dress can be the perfect solution. There won't be another dress exactly the same.

 Now, for those, who are not familiar with vintage clothing, the first image in their minds can be a picture of a horrific ruffle dress that resembles the mixture of a wedding cake and a poodle. Ironically, that is what happens when people are following trends too closely. They end up wearing something, which is not truly complementing and the end result will haunt them in the wedding pictures for the rest of their lives. It is actually far more brilliant to look for the dress, that actually favors the figure of the bride.

Not only are the vintage dresses unique but the materials of vintage wedding dresses are often durable and better quality than on the newer dresses.The dress can easily be modified to fit the bride and elegant details can be added to dramatically change the look of the dress. It is also a suitable choice to the environmentally aware bride and sometimes more affordable than a new dress.

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